argentina ln second line under construction-百家乐凯发k8

project news

argentina ln second line under construction

发布于2020-08-28 10:13 点击:次
       the second line 5800tpd cement production line project of argentina is located in buenos aires, olavarria, camino real a 16 de julio s / n, paraje la pampita. b7463cga, argentina. technical service personnel are dispatched by our company, and technical workers are recruited locally to complete the installation of the production line.
       due to the impact of xinguan epidemic, the project was shut down for two months and partially resumed in mid may. at present, the clinker line is about to be completed, and the cement system is under construction. it is expected that the ignition will be started from october to november and the cement system will be put into operation by the end of the year.