


发布于2018-03-21 18:00 点击:次
    from january 2, 2018 to january 3, 2018, the company's 2017 work meeting will be held in the company's headquarters conference room. except for a small number of project managers who cannot be on site because of work, the company’s general manager, deputy general managers, heads of project departments, and managers of the company’s functional departments attended the conference.
    first, comrade tian yanxiang, general manager of the company, announced the start of the meeting and made a work report for 2017. the report carefully analyzed the current development situation of the market, comprehensively summarized the work done in 2017, objectively analyzed the problems existing in the work, and made detailed arrangements for the work of the next year based on the 2018 development goals; how to strengthen the project's quality, safety, financial management and company management philosophy has been elaborated. the conference pointed out that in 2018, the project responsibility system will be fully implemented, and the safety management framework system, quality management program, and financial management implementation rules will be fully implemented. advocates must be full of confidence, unify ideas, work hard, and persevere to ensure the business goals of 2018. successfully achieved.
    comrade zhang hai, deputy general manager of the company, provided supplementary reports on the company's daily management work. at the same time, it focused on summing up key sections such as the revitalization base, guangzhou office, lhasa project and yunfu project. comrade liu peilei, the company's chief engineer, gave a work report on the company's project management work and the saudi and huzhou projects in charge of the company. the person in charge of the project and the person in charge of the department made a summary report on their respective work.
    the conference also combined with the current status of the company and had a lively discussion on topics such as providing market operation quality, detailed project management, project settlement preparation, project balance payment, execution power, and financial management. the participants took a serious and responsible attitude, proceeded from the company's actual conditions, expressed their opinions freely, made suggestions, and jointly planned a bright future for the company.
    the meeting also commended the advanced individuals in 2017.
editor:gao haiyan