is the ultra clean discharge applicable to the current cemen-百家乐凯发k8

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is the ultra clean discharge applicable to the current cemen

发布于2017-09-05 10:02 点击:次
author: anonymous
       domestic cement production is huge, only 2016 china's cement production reached 60% of global production. therefore, even if the unit pollutant emission targets have been relatively strict, but the total discharge of pollutants is still huge. in this context, some cement enterprises and equipment companies began to put forward, the cement industry should follow the coal industry, the implementation of "ultra clean emissions" in order to further reduce the total emissions of pollutants.
        in 2011, zhejiang group for the first time put forward the concept of ultra-low emissions, refers to the thermal soot, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide emission concentration (baseline oxygen content of 6%) were not more than 10mg / m3, 35mg / m3, 50mg / m3, (gb13223-2011) of the coal-fired boiler in the key areas of special discharge limits were reduced by 50%, 30% and 50%, is the coal-fired generating units clean production level of the new benchmark.
       after 2012, the thermal power industry began to enter the ultra-low emission development period. september 12, 2014, the national development and reform commission, ministry of environmental protection, energy bureau to implement the spirit of the state council, jointly issued the "coal-fired energy-saving emission reduction and upgrading action plan (2014-2020)" (referred to as "action plan"), the "ultra-low-emission transformation", which is more stringent than the new national standard, will require the unit to meet the emission limits of the gas turbine by 2020 (the 6% of the baseline oxygen content, the soot, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide emission concentration respectively, not higher than 10,35,50 mg / cubic meter). coal and electricity industry embarked on a long road of ultra clean emissions reform.
       at present, china's atmospheric environment is facing a very serious situation, the total emissions of air pollutants remain high. china's sulfur dioxide emissions in 2015 up to 18.57 million tons, 11.59 million tons of soot, industrial dust 11.75 million tons, air pollution is still very serious, and become china's largest environmental pollution problems.
       in the coal industry, the implementation of "ultra-low emissions" in the context of the same as the basic industry of the cement industry, pollution problems are also of concern. data show that due to the huge output, the cement industry dust emissions accounted for nearly 40% of the total industrial dust emissions, nitrogen oxide emissions accounted for about 10% of the total amount of 12%, environmental issues are very serious.
       in recent years, as the "air pollution control plan for cement industry" (gb 4915-2013), which is one of the supporting measures of the state council's action plan on air pollution prevention and control, the cement production enterprises include particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and fluoride pollutant emissions have made clear requirements. according to the standard, the cement industry nitrogen oxide emission standards to tighten to 400mg / nm3 (key areas 320mg / nm3), sulfur dioxide emission standards tightened to 200mg / nm3 (key areas 100 mg / nm3) dust emissions (cement kiln and other thermal equipment) tightened to 30mg / nm3 (20mg / nm3 in key areas).
       however, as mentioned above, the domestic cement production is huge, only 2016 china's cement production reached 60% of global production. therefore, even if the unit pollutant emission targets have been relatively strict, but the total discharge of pollutants is still huge. in this context, some cement enterprises and equipment companies began to put forward, the cement industry should follow the coal industry, the implementation of "ultra clean emissions" in order to further reduce the total emissions of pollutants.
       first, the cement industry to implement ultra-clean emissions what is the significance?
       1, to defend the blue sky for environmental protection to do a force
       with the increasing pressure on environmental protection, cement companies began to face up to their own environmental issues. such as the chairman of the environmental protection, chairman of the cement industry dust experts liu zhenbiao said, environmental law enforcement increasingly stringent with environmental data online monitoring makes the cement enterprise environmental law costs are getting higher and higher, forcing the cement enterprises to increase environmental management efforts; in addition, the cement industry     competition is actually environmentally friendly competition, environment-friendly cement factory more access to public recognition, but also more in line with the needs of government ecological civilization construction, but also conducive to their own development.
       take the dust (375 yuan / ton, 0%) cement, for example, the implementation of ultra-clean emissions, the dust emissions reached 10mg / nm3 the following, jinyu dingxin kiln dust emission concentration even reduced to 1.23mg / nm3, higher than the national standard. another example is as a private enterprise of the earth cement, but also actively assume environmental obligations, the implementation of ultra-clean emissions, the dust emissions down to 10mg / nm3 below.
       cement industry has long been considered a high pollution, high energy consumption industry, the image of the environment for the destruction of the world criticized in the current environmental trends are increasingly obvious circumstances, the cement industry to strengthen environmental governance, green plant is not only to improve the image of the cement industry the need, but also actively assume social responsibility, but also a blue sky needs of the people.
       2, to accelerate backward production capacity eliminated
       2016 issued by the "general office of the state council on the promotion of building materials industry to enhance the stability of the transfer of structural adjustment of the guidance" (state council issued 〔2016〕 34) (hereinafter referred to as no. 34) pointed out that the elimination of backward production capacity. to reduce the excess capacity, and that pollutant emissions can not meet the requirements or the total amount of sewage, the implementation of continuous punishment on a daily basis; the circumstances are serious, reported to the approval of the people's government approval, ordered to suspend business, closed. energy consumption exceeding the limit, should be within 6 months of rectification standards; do need to extend the rectification period, the application can be extended for not more than 3 months period; overdue is not compliance, according to the law to stop the exit.
       environmental management has been clearly as an important means of the cement industry to eliminate backward production capacity.
       backward production capacity due to the old production line, the lower level of management and other factors in the cement production process will often produce more pollutants, in this case, further strict pollutant discharge standards, will increase the backward production capacity of pollutant management difficulty, increase the cost of governance, so as to achieve the role of accelerating backward production capacity.
industry experts and professors wushan gan also said that cement companies do not implement ultra clean emissions, fail to meet national standards, will face out. it can be seen, combined with 34, compared to the implementation of ultra-clean emissions, in line with national standards, or even higher than the national emission standards for enterprises, non-compliance of the enterprise is backward production capacity, will face the possibility of elimination.
       3, green development to change the image of the industry
       november 6, 2012 14 cement enterprises to obtain china 's environmental labeling low - carbon cement products demonstration certificate. this marks a high energy consumption, high emission operations as the main body of the cement industry green development transformation will be fully launched. in order to adapt to changes in the economic environment and changes in market structure, the current cement industry is constantly trying to green development, change the image of the industry.
       in the environmental management, to cangzhou lingang jinyu, for example, a total investment of 55 million yuan, accounting for 1/7 of the total assets. investment in more than 21 million yuan on the whole plant raw materials yard upgrade, to achieve all the raw materials all closed storage; investment of more than 400 million on the production line dust collector upgrade, dust emission concentration of less than 10mg / m3, lower than the national standard emission standards, production system is not row; investment 500,000 yuan transformation of raw materials stack gate, the first to use the industry's most advanced automatic magnetic lifting the door, to achieve the whole car unloading operations; investment 460,000 yuan procurement dry-type vacuum trucks, the implementation of plant cleaning mechanization and cleaning the process is clean.
       for the cement industry, environmental protection is not only with a "green hat." at present, the implementation of ultra-clean emissions of cement enterprises increasing, such as china resources cement, including the above mentioned in the henan area, jinyu cement and the earth cement and so on in the implementation of ultra-clean emissions, reduce industrial emissions of pollutants. these are the cement industry by the traditional industry like green ecological transformation model.
       cement industry is high energy consumption, high pollution image has been criticized, because of this, every serious environmental pollution, the cement industry is always focused on "care", such as the current implementation of the winter "peak production", the main reason is to avoid pollution discharge of goods. the implementation of ultra clean emissions will change the social image of large pollutants in the cement industry, and promote the green development of the industry.
second, the cement industry to implement ultra-clean emission resistance which?
       cement production process is cumbersome, complex conditions, poor governance environment, coupled with the current cement industry is facing a serious overcapacity problem, the market competition pressure, business cost control needs more sheng, so clean emissions in the cement industry the application and promotion or there is a lot of resistance.
       1, environmental protection costs
       wu shan said that "the cement industry itself is a low-profit industry, continue to improve environmental protection, enterprises will not bear." indeed, the implementation of ultra-clean emissions for the small profit of the enterprise is really a big problem. for example, reducing particulate emissions requires dust removal. at present, there are three ways: electric change bag, electric bag compound, electricity to electricity, the effect of better transformation costs are higher.
       in the treatment of sulfur dioxide. the sulfur dioxide pollution in the cement industry is mainly due to coal combustion. it is understood that coal costs account for about 45% of cement production costs. production of one ton of cement, the average coal consumption of 110 kg to 120 kg last year, coal prices rose more than 200 yuan per ton, so that the cement production costs an additional 20 yuan per ton. at present, the market also appeared in some of the more high-quality coal, such as desulfurization coal, if the cement enterprises to use desulfurization coal, can greatly reduce the desulfurization of coal emissions. however, the price of desulfurization coal is several times as much as ordinary coal, the use of desulfurization coal will mean that the cost of production to further squeeze the profit margins of cement enterprises.
       in addition, there are many ways to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, such as sncr, snr, etc., but the cost of construction costs are generally high, and the need for a certain operating costs. for the enterprise, will be a small investment.
       therefore, the high cost of environmental transformation, so many companies will be discouraged.
       2, there is no viable technical program
       in fact, technology and "ultra clean emissions" transformation of the cost is complementary. as mentioned above, to achieve lower emissions of pollutants, companies have to bear a higher cost of transformation. at present, the domestic for reducing dust, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides have a corresponding solution, but the practical application is facing many difficulties.
       take nitrogen oxide emissions as an example, through a variety of means with the scr technology or scr technology can achieve lower emissions, but the enterprise will face a huge cost of transformation and operating costs, the cement industry to implement the "ultra clean emissions" need more economical, more feasible technical means.
in addition, the cement industry emissions of pollutants is not just dust, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, as well as mercury, voc, etc., are currently no solution. therefore, in order to implement the "ultra clean emissions", need to consider from the overall, in addition to the three major pollutants, other pollutant emissions control technology is mature, also need to be taken into account.
       3, the lack of government and policy support
       december 2015 by the national development and reform commission, the ministry of environmental protection and the state energy bureau jointly issued the "implementation of coal-fired power plants ultra-low emission price support policy issues related to the notice" clearly expressed in line with ultra-low emission standards of coal power plant, january 1, 2016 has been running before the grid of active units, the purchase of electricity on its purchase price per kilowatt-hour 1 cents (including tax); on january 1, 2016 after the grid to run the new unit, the        the purchase of electricity on the purchase price of 0.5 cents per kilowatt-hour (including tax). in the government and policy support and encouragement, ultra clean emissions in the coal industry is widely implemented and promoted.
       in contrast to the cement industry, in addition to the government's environmental standards and policy requirements, there are no incentive measures to encourage and improve the enthusiasm of enterprises on environmental protection. in the face of high environmental protection costs, cement enterprises are also prohibitive is also normal.
       in this regard, the chairman of environmental protection liu zhenbiao that the existing cement industry pollutant discharge standards, the cement business should be divided into three grades of environmental performance. pollutant emissions is much lower than the existing standard cement enterprises are divided into the first level, the state can give financial subsidies or to relax the peak production time limit; pollutant emissions only to meet the existing environmental standards of enterprises divided into the second level, in strict accordance with the provisions of the national implementation of the peak peak production and other policies; pollutant emissions higher than the existing standard of the enterprise is divided into the third level, as the cement industry backward production capacity out of the key direction.
       can not be denied that the implementation of ultra-clean emissions can not only protect the blue sky, contribute to environmental protection, but also to promote the healthy development of the industry to eliminate backward production capacity, more importantly, to promote green development of the industry, lost "three mountains" the cost of transformation costs, technical deficiencies and the lack of national and government encouragement support, ultra clean emissions is really applicable to the current cement industry? how to gradually increase the cement industry, environmental management, these are the industry needs to think about the problem.
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