construction of ucp project in syria-百家乐凯发k8

project news

construction of ucp project in syria

发布于2020-08-28 10:12 点击:次
       the 6500tpd clinker line project in syria is located in the eastern suburb of damascus, the capital of syria. the project is designed as a 6500tpd up to now, part of the civil foundation of the clinker line has been basically completed, most of the equipment and steel structures have arrived, and non-standard and a small number of steel structures and non-standard equipment supplied by the owner have not been completed. our company is responsible for the whole clinker line installation project, sinoma construction is responsible for the construction of its own power plant.
       due to the impact of the epidemic, the personnel could not enter the site as planned. under the leadership of team leader jiang guiyang, several people from the project department arrived at the early stage of the project to try their best to ensure the uninterrupted construction. such as temporary equipment borrowing and repair, vehicle use and maintenance, component group hoisting, epidemic prevention and control, to achieve a high work efficiency ratio. by the end of august, more than 1300 tons of component pairs and more than 300 tons of installation have been completed, which has been well received by all parties.
